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Very polished game!

Love the game..but for the life of me cant find gold.key.mission 2. I killednthe miniboss and still nothing. Looked.over whole map. Am i blind?

There's a bug where sometimes the boss doesn't drop the key - it was an engine bug, so I couldn't fix it :(


Ah dang. Thanks anyways! Love the game

Hoping to get around to finishing it on a new engine at some point... one day... :D


lookin forward to it

No checkpoints at all?

If I recall you can quicksave wherever you want, though there is a bug where sometimes loading a game will cause some graphical issues (fixed with a restart).

I get an error about missing MSVCR100.dll when I try to run the game

You are probably missing this: "Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable".


MAde in Easy FPS Editor?

Do you know if it's possible to do a stealth game with it?

I don't think you could do it without some really heavy scripting. Though don't take my word for it, I only worked with that engine for a month and I believe it's had several updates since!


Congratulations to the creators of this game, the game is very good, I want the creators of this game to subscribe to my channel please, it is important for me to have your help, I also offer to promote other games for free, a big greeting from Spain!!


I love the retro style of this, as well as the humorous quips and story to go along with it!


In my opinion, this retro-style fps is a creative game with great potiential for more content and more popularity, I recommend downloading this game if you like Wolfenstein 3D and Classic Doom, best of luck for your team!

Where can i listen to the soundtrack?

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Ooof please let me recover health on death. Stuck with 6 health at level start. Really neat game though!

Unfortunately it's been so long since I worked on this, and the updated game engine didn't support a lot of what I did in the levels (model formats changed).  Therefore it's unlikely to see any direct updates. However! It's very likely my next project to remake in Unreal after Something in the Water!

Sounds great. Best of luck with it!


I found a reference

how to run i can only move why


Came here via @Zlimbratski. Sci-fi silliness of TimeSplitters meets old school Wolfenstein 3D gameplay.  Really enjoyed my time spent chasing down Cross and will definitely keep an eye out for future updates.

I tried to play through carefully so as to never shoot an unarmed man. Well, except for those couple of times I did by accident... with the Trench gun! Brutal and compelling.


Great game! I just wish it was longer.


I still have plans to extend this, but don't have the time right now!


Great! Sometimes I wonder what if The Interval was released back in 1993.


Great game. Love the art and the humorous mood, and the gameplay is solid!

You could have some more levels (old west, medieval castle, a space station etc.), and you have one fun little retro shooter with a distinct art style. Cheers!


Love itt!! I always play it when I have nothing to do during computer science lessons. Great game!!!

Thanks for playing :)

is there a way to invert mouse-y? i have fallen from god.


Unfortunately, I don't believe there's a way to do this in the engine :(

oh whoa, had no idea there was that kinda limitation!

fair enough then, i will endeavour to come back into the light.


I must say, I really enjoyed the level in the Somme! The premise and level design really drew me in as well.

while not unplayable in 21:9, the gun sprites are almost entirely off-screen (you can't even see your fists and can only see the very end of your pistol's barrel for example) and i believe the cutscenes are messed up in my aspect ratio as well. I understand not wanting to bother with "niche" resolutions like 2560x1080 just for an indie game, but at least making the game play at 16:9 with letterboxing instead of stretching would be nice 

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It's just not supported by the engine, unfortunately.

Edit: I do have plans to move this to another engine that does support this.

Oh, thanks a bunch


Man this game is fun. what engine does it use?


Easy FPS Editor, aka "eFPSe".


I'm jealous of your game's art.




The game is fun, I just wish that the game application had an icon that has to do with the game from then on everything is fine.

Very good old-school. I like it!


This was amazing, super difficult but beatable against bad odds somehow, really really looking forward to the next part!


We're starting work on it soon :)


Very nice, but till a bit rough around the edges. A dedicated quick save button would be appreciated.


it has that. press F5 to quicksave, F9 to quickload.


Do you plan on releasing a "full" version of this game?


I plan on finishing it, yes. There will be two more levels as well as a number of fixes here and there. Not sure when though!


amazing game! love it!


Well done! Art, sounds, humor, level design, story... all is great =) Great game!


Man you did a great job, love the game really. Congratulations!


cool fun retro shooter!

Quite a decent stuff. Really liked the style and how consistent it is.

Absolutly fantastic game!!  10/10


YES vary interested in this ^_^ bookmarking the page 

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Where's the download link?


It's not out yet... should just be a day or two :D